
  • Privacy Policy


    Protecting the privacy of library users is important. This policy statement explains how UNCW Library operates with regard to various privacy issues. The library is bound by federal law, state law and professional ethics to ensure open access to information. The confidentiality of library use extends to your encounters with library personnel. Librarians and staff treat all requests in a serious and professional manner.  

  • Special Collections


    Center for Southeast North Carolina Archives and History
    Collection Development Policy - Special Collections


    Special Collections serves as the research repository for rare, unique and primary source materials in the UNCW Library. The collections support research by a wide range of scholars including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, community researchers, and visiting scholars whose work utilizes and relies on these materials. 

  • Government Documents

    Statement of Purpose

    UNCW Library was designated as a selective depository for United States government publications in 1965. The depository collection is administered and maintained according to the requirements of Title 44, Chapter 19 of the United States Code; Instructions to Depository Libraries; and Guidelines for the Depository Library System. The library is committed to providing free access to the collection for UNCW students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Services are provided in person, by telephone, mail, email, and chat reference.

  • Gifts

    Monetary Donations

    Monetary donations (including memorials) are gratefully accepted for enhancing the delivery of library services. The UNCW Library has in the past used gift funds for purchases of materials for the collection including equipment, supplies, and art works. Specific titles or items to be purchased with donated funds will be coordinated by the Dean of the Library. All monetary donations will be received by the Dean of the Library for appropriate handling, recorded through the office of University Advancement and acknowledged by the Library.

  • Art Collection Development Policy


    UNCW Library strives to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors – one that is conducive to the pursuit of intellectual study and cultural enrichment. To that end, UNCW Library welcomes opportunities to accession pieces of art for display within the public areas in its facility.  

  • Interlibrary Lending


    As part of its Interlibrary Loan operations, UNCW Library lends materials to other requesting institutions, limiting physical items to institutions within the United States. We are a SOLINE member, a free lender, and encourage new reciprocal partnerships.  Conditions of service are based on compliance to National Interlibrary Loan Code, the Interlibrary Loan Code for North Carolina Libraries, and all applicable Copyright Laws (e.g. Title 17, US Code).

  • Interlibrary Borrowing

    UNCW Library Interlibrary Borrowing Policy

    Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that provides access to library materials not available at UNCW Library. It is governed by the American Library Association's National Library Code and the US Copyright Revision Act of 1976 (17.United States Code. 101 et seq.).