Students in the Honors College complete an Honors project to meet the program requirements. More information about the planning, creation, and formatting of the Honors project can be found on the Honors College Eligibility page.
UNCW Library serves as the repository for UNCW Honors Papers. Students submit their Honors paper in electronic form using the process prescribed by the Honors College including completion of an online availability form. Once the electronic copies of Honors papers are received and approved by the Honors College, they are sent to UNCW Library. The library catalogs each paper and sets the online availability based on the student’s preference. The papers are then published in the UNCW Library online catalog and UNCW Library Digital Collections.
Submission of physical copies of Honors papers was discontinued in 2019 and now only the electronic copy is required. Legacy physical copies of Honors papers can be found in the University Archives in UNCW Library.
When students complete the online availability form during submission of their Honors paper they have the option to make their paper accessible worldwide or restrict access to it. Restricted access is defined as reading/viewing an Honors paper from on-campus wired and wireless networks authorized for student, faculty, and staff as well as through the use of UNCW's VPN. Honors papers can be restricted for specific lengths of time set by the Honors College, or permanently.
For more information regarding Honors Papers, please contact Gary Moore, Lead Cataloging Librarian.
Reviewed April 2024.