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La Comunidad de Arte Visual de Wilmington y el Sudeste de Carolina del Norte: Una Exhibicion Digital
enlaces para la gente : enlaces a lugares : enlaces a las organizaciones & instituciones : otros recursos

enlaces a las organizaciones & instituciones


This set are formal organizations that support and guide visual art efforts in the region. They may be volunteer groupings of people, non-profits, for profits or governmental agencies. Many of these organizations will be duplicated in other sections such as education or galleries in that they have multiple functions.


Many types of museums support the visual arts with art items in their collections, educational outreach in art workshops and/or provision of research materials on the visual arts.

Colleges and Universities

Please check the various college catalogs to determine courses and programs in visual arts. In addition, these institutions support research on the subject as well as programming related to visual arts.

Public K-12 Education

The visual arts are a systematic part of elementary school programs throughout the region and elective programs in middle and high schools. The Department of Public Instruction in North Carolina promulgates a NC Standard Course of Study. Visual Arts Education is one of the standards set.

The various webenlaces provide access to the programming, curriculum and participants in middle and high schools. For more information on elementary and other programs contact the websites of the School Districts in each county. We have tried to provide a large sample of the various specialty webpages related to art in the public schools. We apologize if we missed any particular schools, just alert us and we will correct the omission.

Private Schools as well as commercial art courses and programs

Additional Sources: many galleries, continuing education programs of schools and colleges as well as individual artists offer instruction throughout the region.

Public Libraries

These libraries usually have art to view as well as print and electronic sources in support of visual art research.

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