[ English Version ]

La Comunidad de Arte Visual de Wilmington y el Sudeste de Carolina del Norte: Una Exhibicion Digital

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Like places of learning and in the museums, art can be found on display in the community:

Places in the community in our digital exhibit:

links to other places in the region

Physical Galleries and Commercial Settings That Serve as Galleries

This set of galleries and other commercial settings that serve as galleries are all physical settings that are regularly open. We did not include the hundreds of web galleries that are now common. This new web gallery medium means that the artist is less dependent on a physical setting and their “physical gallery” is more readily available electronically. The various artists that have web galleries can be reached through an internet search by name or through a service such as www.creativewilmington.com

Festivals and Events that showcase visual arts.

Many events that are multiple purposed include the visual arts through a show, sale, vendor presentation or competition.