Bibliography of the History of Art

Covers the current international literature on the history of art in Europe and the New World. BHA incorporates the complete contents of International Repertory of the Literature of Art (RILA) and Repertoire d'Art et d'Archeologie (RAA).

Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) is the most comprehensive art bibliography available worldwide, covering European and American art from late antiquity (4th c. A.D.) to the present. It indexes and abstracts books, conference proceedings, dissertations, exhibition and dealer catalogs, and articles from more than 4,300 periodicals. Painting; sculpture; drawing; prints; decorative and applied arts; architecture and industrial design; popular and folk art. The database search includes both BHA (covering 1990-2007) and the International Bibliography of Art (IBA), covering the years 2008 and part of 2009. The Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA), one of the predecessors of BHA, with records that cover 1975–1989.

When searching Title or Journal Title, omit initial article (e.g., A, The, Der, L', etc.)

Coverage Dates:
varies by publication