
The geology of North America is covered from 1669 to the present, and global coverage dates back to 1933. Over 3,500 journals are reviewed for indexing in the GeoRef database as well as books, maps, government reports, conference papers, theses and dissertations.

Produced by the American Geosciences Institute, this comprehensive geosciences database contains 3.4 million bibliographic records to the geosciences literature of the world. Over 100,000 references are added to GeoRef annually. Includes GeoRef In Process.

Subjects Include:

  • Economic Geology
  • Environmental and Engineering Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Hydrology
  • Paleontology
  • Petrology
  • Marine Sciences (Geology and Oceanography)
  • Mineralogy


Coverage Dates:
Geology of North America: 1785 - present; Geology of the world: 1933 - present