IBEC Request for Library Instruction Session

Decorative - magnifying glass and widgets

Librarians at Randall Library can provide library instruction for courses being taught at Isaac Bear Early College and UNCW. Sessions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Overview of physical and virtual access to the library resources and spaces
  • Developing effective research strategies
  • Choosing the best research tools
  • Searching electronic indexes
  • Searching the Internet for quality sources
  • Critically evaluating information sources
  • Finding scholarly journal articles
  • Using resources from specific subject areas
  • Finding primary source materials

Be aware that during peak library instruction periods and times (including September, October, February, & March) our ability to handle large groups is limited.

Once you have completed the form, you will be contacted to confirm the time and date, and to discuss the session's content. If you have questions, please contact: Melissa Raymer at (910) 962-4234 or raymerm@uncw.edu

Grades of Students in Class

Date of session

Please provide at least two or three possible dates and times to schedule your session. Requesting your sessions as early as possible provides a greater chance for you to get your ideal time, as well as allows the library to obtain underclassmen guest logins for the session.

Will students already be aware of the assignment and its requirements prior to the instruction session? (This makes for a more effective session.)

Will students already have a topic picked out prior to the instruction session? (This makes for a more effective session.)

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