Additional Assistance and Scheduling Appointments
- For your convenience and so that the librarians may serve all patrons equally, it is preferred that students requiring additional assistance schedule an appointment with the Library. Scheduling an appointment will guarantee that you obtain the assistance you need when you want it. Assistance is only offered Monday through Friday or as staff availability allows.
- Patrons with disabilities in need of additional assistance may schedule appointments by filling out the following form at least one (1) business day in advance (Monday - Friday): Please fill out this form to schedule an appointment.
- For assistance in typing a paper, the student or faculty member should contact the UNCW Disability Resource Center.
Pull Service
- For UNCW students who need assistance in retrieving materials from the shelves, please visit a service desk. In order to retrieve materials as quickly as possible, please have titles and call numbers prepared. The amount of time needed depends on staff availability. Patrons may also request assistance in advance by scheduling an appointment.
Delivery Services
- Students registered with the Disability Resource Center are eligible for document delivery of items in our collection whether that means scanning and delivering electronically or retrieving and mailing.
- Students eligible to use this service must choose "Distance Education" as their Status (to change your status, log onto Interlibrary Loan, click "Change User Information").
Updated 11/14/19