Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

A comprehensive Internet-based data management system that allows researchers to retrieve information from a wide variety of financial, economic, and marketing data sources. This hosted data service has become the focus for quantitative data research and is recognized by the academic and financial research community around the world as the leading business intelligence tool. You must accept the WRDS Terms of Use (PDF). Please see user restrictions for CRSP (PDF)

To use WRDS, you must create an account:

  1. Go to https://wrds-www-wharton-upenn-edu.liblink.uncw.edu/
  2. Select the Register tab or link “Register for a WRDS Account.”  
  3. Complete the Account Request form. 
  4. Once you submit an Account Request, an email will be sent to your WRDS Representative, Nivine Richie, richien@uncw.edu
  5. After receiving approval, an account will be created and you will receive an e-mail message with a special URL and instructions for setting the account password and logging into WRDS. You will also be notified if the request has been denied.
  6. Log into WRDS.
  7. Review the WRDS Terms of Use (PDF).
  8. Begin using your new account. 

Guides for using WRDS: